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01179 872 727

Why choose the Spine Centre Bristol for your spine care?


Our Spinal Surgeons, Pain Management Consultant, Radiologists, and Physiotherapists are among the most experienced and respected in the South-West, and work closely together to ensure our patients receive the most clinically appropriate and effective care available.

Co-ordinated Team Approach

Our multidisciplinary team of specialists give patients an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan for all spine conditions, often in the first visit.

Patient satisfaction after spine consultation and treatment at Nuffield Bristol Hospital is regularly monitored, and is extremely well regarded.

Non-surgical treatment

Spine Centre Bristol offers a full range of treatment choices in addition to surgery. We can provide non-surgical treatment options including physical therapy and pain management, with an emphasis on education in spinal pain and injury prevention, and therapy through rehabilitation exercises and bracing. You may also consider injection therapy.

  • Facet Joint Injections
  • Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy
  • Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection
  • Cervical Epidural Injection
  • Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural injection

Meet our Team 

Dr Gareth Greenslade


Specialty: Pain Management Anaesthesia

Mr Ian J Harding

BA, BM BCh, FRCS (Orth)

Specialty: Orthopaedic surgery

Mr Stephen Morris

BSc (Hons), MB ChB, FRCS (Tr+Orth), PGDipSEM

Specialty: Orthopaedic surgery

Mr Mark Nowell

MB BS, MA (Oxon), PhD, FRCS (SN)

Specialty: Spinal Surgery

Mr Nik (Nikunj) Patel


Specialty: Neurosurgery

Mr Nitin Patel

MB BCh, MSc, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (SN)

Specialty: Neurosurgery

Your treatment

Your consultation appointment will take place at the Nuffield Bristol Hospital where we will keep you informed during every stage of your treatment. Our surgeons have been commended on their ability to talk patients through their condition and to explain the reasons behind the pain and discomfort that you are experiencing.

If appropriate, your surgeon may refer you for a diagnostic scan. The spine centre provides the full range of diagnostic facilities - including digital x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, and electromyography (EMG) studies to test the integrity and functionality of nerves.

Once you have had any necessary diagnostic scans, your surgeon will talk these through with you and explain if there are options for treatment.

We address the entire spectrum of spinal disease through both traditional and minimally invasive surgical treatment, and non-surgical treatment options. Degenerative disorders, trauma, tumours, and vascular diseases are treated through a team approach that includes clinical specialists with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal disorders. This includes Radiologists and Physiotherapists.

How do I book a Spine pain appointment?

Contact our bookings office and ask for a Spine Centre Bristol Clinic appointment. Our team will let you know of the spinal appointments available, and will take your booking over the phone. If it is not convenient for you to come to the appointment within a few days, the team can let you know of appointments at a time that will suit you.