The fibrous tissue that connects your heel to the muscles in your leg is called the achilles tendon. Through overuse or accident your achilles can tear or rupture and may require repair or reconstruction.
Arthroscopy is a procedure in which a miniature telescope is inserted through a two centimetre incision over a joint - for example the hip, knee, ankle or shoulder.
The aim of ankle fusion is to eliminate the pain in your ankle caused by diseased or damaged surfaces rubbing together.
Due to injury or just wear and tear your ankles can become painful. Arthritis is a group of conditions that causes damage to your joints.
A bunion is a bony bump on the joint at the base of your big toe.
If you are suffering from stiffness in your big toe (hallux rigidus) and it does not respond to conservative treatment your consultant may recommend toe fusion.
If your swollen or painful joints, ligaments or tendons do not respond to conservative treatments your consultant may recommend image guided joint injections.