28 August 2019 at 18:15
Hosted by Glasgow Hospital - Glasgow Giffnock Fitness and Wellbeing Gym, 82, Braidholm Road, Giffnock, Glasgow, G46 6ED

All GPs are invited to attend our GP CPD event led by Consultant Rheumatologist Dr Sandeep Bawa and Mr Sanjay Gupta, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.

Dr Sandeep Bawa

MB ChB, MRCP, MSc (Sports Medicine)

Specialty: Rheumatology, General (internal) Medicine

Mr Sanjay Gupta

MBBS, MRCS (Glasg), MSc (Orth), MPhil, FRCS (Tr&Orth)

Specialty: Orthopaedic surgery

This two hour long session will focus on pertinent topics relevant to primary care and General Practice, with hints and tips on managing common and not so common conditions and guidance for onward referral/ diagnosis. There will be an informal Q&A session at the end. GPs will be issued with a CPD certificate as confirmation of attendance. The event is FREE to attend and food and refreshments will be served from 6.15pm for a 7pm start.

Glasgow Giffnock Fitness and Wellbeing Gym, 82, Braidholm Road, Giffnock, Glasgow, G46 6ED

0141 334 9441
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