Get in touch

020 8341 4182

At Highgate Hospital, we understand that sometimes your health concerns can be particularly sensitive or difficult to talk about, and we aim to keep your needs at the centre of our care.

Our top consultants are dedicated to treating patients with a wide range of symptoms and offer a holistic approach to their treatment plans, ensuring you get both their expertise and support throughout.

Our comprehensive ‘one-stop’ clinics are managed by leading consultants in the field of men’s health. It is facilitated by expert consultants, who will address your concerns with both sensitivity and discretion.

We strive to provide first-class independent healthcare for the local community in a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment; one in which we would be happy to treat our own families. So, whether you are an inpatient, day case or outpatient you will be cared for by a team of professionals who are dedicated to ensuring you receive the best possible treatment.


We understand the major impact that urological problems can have on the quality of life, and, whilst these issues are common, they can sometimes be difficult or embarrassing to talk about. Our first-class clinicians will do all that they can to put you at ease and help support and treat you, whilst maintaining your respect and dignity. We can provide rapid diagnosis, access to treatment and urology physiotherapy for all urological conditions including:

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are very common, and up to one in three of us will experience them in our lifetime. Many factors can contribute to varicose veins, including other family members having them, ageing, occupations where individuals stand still for prolonged periods, previous DVT and gaining weight. Several treatment options are available to reduce and close your varicose veins, allowing the blood to reroute through to your healthy veins. The procedure is performed under a local anaesthetic, which means that although you will be awake, the entire area will be numb and you will not feel anything. Treatment typically takes an hour, and your consultant will advise you on the most appropriate option for your condition.

Nutritional medicine

Whether you suffer from being overweight, struggle to gain weight or find that some foods make you feel ill expert guidance in nutrition will help you to achieve much better health. The choices you make about the food you eat can be the difference between feeling good most of the time and feeling unwell or uncomfortable. Healthy nutrition is about eating right for your body’s needs.

Our Registered Nutritionist will help to assess your eating patterns, and identify areas that require attention in order to balance nutrition. You will discuss your goals and agree a long-lasting, healthy eating regime with advice on what changes to make such as the types of food eaten and the timing of snacks and meals.


Colorectal surgery refers to a variety of procedures used to treat a wide range of bowel conditions affecting the colon, rectum and anus. We offer a specialist, JAG Accredited clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of colorectal conditions. The focus is to ensure that patients with problems related to the bowel receive a comprehensive service and are cared for in a friendly, sensitive and efficient manner.

We also provide bowel cancer screening to assess the health of your bowel and your risk of bowel cancer. Bowel cancer is very common but highly treatable when detected in the early stages, which is why it’s so important that people are screened and diagnosed as soon as possible.

Private GP Service

The GP service at Highgate Hospital complements the service you receive from your NHS GP, so there is no need to register as a patient with us, you can simply book an appointment and use the service on an odd occasion for as often as you want.

A number of GPs, both male and female, consult at Highgate at different times. But, if you prefer to see a specific GP or the same person each time this is of course possible.


Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system, including heart attacks and stoke, are the main cause of death in the UK and as such our Consultant Cardiologists regularly care for people with cardiac conditions in their outpatient clinics. You may be more at risk of cardiovascular disease if you:

  • Have a family history of heart disease or stroke
  • Have diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol
  • Are significantly overweight
  • Smoke or have ever smoked heavily
  • Your lifestyle is mainly sedentary, with little or no exercise.

Sports injuries

Physical activity plays an important role in our daily lives so when an injury occurs it is onlyu natural to want to get back on our feet as quickly as possible. As part of our rnage of services, we offer a specialist sports injuries clinic with immediate treatment of a wide range of exercise-related injuries. The service specializes in rapid assessment, diagnostic tests, treatment tailored to your individual needs and advice on appropriate training methods and rehabilitation.

Travel clinic

If you travel a lot for work or pleasure then our specialist travel clinic and expedition service offers everything you need for your trip. Specialist advice, vaccinations, anti-malarials and other medication is provided in our pre-travel clinic. Post-travel investigations and care plus tailored expedition health risk assessments for more remote or adventurous activities also available.

How to book an appointment

If you would like to book a consultation please call us on 020 8341 4182 or fill in the form below.