From foot pain to mountain climb
Evelyn found just everyday walking incredibly painful. That is until met foot and ankle specialist, consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Jason Eyre...
"I’m a mature lady who loves to walk, garden and is still holding down a full-time job that I love. 14 years ago, I had a bunion on my right foot removed as it had become rather painful walking, especially in the winter months.
The process went quite well but unfortunately, I was in terrible pain the first three days after the operation and decided never to do that again!
But 14 years on and my left foot becoming a very painful problem with also the second toe becoming very deformed I really needed to do something about it as it was very painful to walk even at work.
Well the rest is history after meeting Mr Eyre at the first consultation and seeing his enthusiasm for his work I knew I was in safe hands. All the people at the hospital were kind and considerate and looked after me on my visits and my day surgery.

It was a success and the modern painkillers helped me over the first few days with no pain. I took in what they said for the recovery and took each day as it came not overdoing it. After six weeks I had the wire removed from my second toe and I could walk without my special boot and cutches. By ten weeks I was back at work.
My aim after the operation was to climb Ingleborough with my work colleagues which was a success. I’m back to my dance classes, out with a walking group and the garden is coming along a treat. I’ve just come back from a holiday in Italy walking down Mt Baldo.
I now have my life back thanks to Mr Eyre and all the team of people that work at Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital. Thank you."
Mr Jason Eyre is Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital specialising in foot and ankle disorders.