Breast ultrasound

A breast ultrasound is used to investigate breast lumps or other abnormalities.

CT scan (or CAT scan)

A CT scan is used to produce internal cross-sectional images of the body. The images aid the detection of disease and injury, allowing effective treatment planning.

Gynaecological ultrasound

A Gynaecological ultrasound is often used to examine conditions affecting the organs in a woman's pelvis - the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Mammogram (breast screening) in Newcastle

Looking to go private for your mammogram? At Nuffield Health Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital our breast care specialists can provide you with rapid access to a breast screen, without the wait.

MRI scan

An MRI scan uses magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of the inside of your body, helping doctors diagnose your condition. Our expert team at Nuffield Health Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital ensures accurate results and comfortable care.

MSK Ultrasound

An MSK (musculoskeletal) ultrasound is used to examine your muscles, joints, tendons or ligaments.

Osteoporosis screen

Osteoporosis literally means “porous bones” and is one of the most common bone diseases in the world.


Ultrasound is a non-invasive scan that uses sound waves to create live images from the inside of the body.


An X-ray machine produces images of the inside of the body. It is effective in assessing bones and other dense structures within the body.