11 March 2021 at 18:00
Oxford, The Manor Hospital - Beech Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7RP

To book please click below

Working with you, for your professional development...

Nuffield Health Oxford is committed to providing free GP-focused educational sessions, as well as contributing towards your CPD points and revalidation.

Our learning programme has been running in connection with Oxford Primary Care Learning successfully for a number of years and is increasing in popularity amongst healthcare professionals.

Our expert consultants aim to provide valuable education that is relevant to you and will be able to answer any questions you may have within an open forum discussion.

The session will be hosted on Zoom. To register to attend please visit http://oxfordprimarycarelearning.org.uk/

Delegates will receive a CPD certificate after attending the event

Prof Pankaj Gupta Roy

FRCS (Glasgow), MS, MD (Dundee), FRCS (Gen Surgery)

Specialty: General Surgery

Ms Gael M MacLean


Specialty: General Surgery

Oxford, The Manor Hospital

Beech Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7RP

01865 307777

Please note, there is only limited parking available at our hospital. Our car park is now managed by EURO CARPARKS. Patients and visitors are required to input their car registration in to the panels located in the main reception areas to avoid a fine. Parking T&Cs are detailed on signs in the car park.

Reception and all general enquiries 01865 307777
New treatment enquiries 01865 307750
Diagnostic Imaging (appointments and enquiries) 01865 307 457
Nurses' Station (for inpatients only) 01865 307 579
Physiotherapy (appointments only) 0333 305 7905
Physiotherapy (enquiries) 01865 307 533
Accounts 01865 987 653