
Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine which started about 2000 ago, and these days we know how it works. A qualified health professional inserts fine needles into different points on the body and the process stimulates the nerves.

General anaesthetic

General Anaesthetic (GA) is a combination of drugs that causes a deep sleep.


Hydrotherapy is a form of physiotherapy that is administered in a special heated pool. The warm water helps relieve pain and relax the body, so increasing ease of movement.

Mole removal

Moles are a form of pigmented lesion. Benign (non cancerous) lesions can simply be left alone. However if your mole bothers you in any way, our expert team at Nuffield Health Parkside may recommend removal (excision).

Sleep study and investigations

Nuffield Health Sleep Disorders Service provides treatment and advice for a wide range of sleep problems including sleep apnoea and snoring. We see patients of all ages, including the elderly, adolescents and children.