• Overview

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Dementia is a constant, slowly progressing loss of memory and function including attention, memory, orientation, judgment, abstract thinking, problem solving and personality.

Delirium is also a disorder of attention, memory and perception. It is a warning of a serious underlying medical condition and is treatable. In comparison to dementia, delirium develops quickly. Patients with dementia are at increased risk of delirium and may have both. The diagnosis of delirium is missed in more than 50% of cases. In order to make a diagnosis of dementia, delirium must be ruled out. Without a careful assessment of your medical history, the short-term syndrome of delirium can easily be confused with dementia as they have symptoms in common.

More than 50 conditions can mimic or cause dementia so it is important to get an accurate diagnosis.  Our dementia and delirium screening profile includes elements to investigate a variety of delirium causing conditions.

If you or someone you love is experiencing symptoms of dementia or delirium it is important to get an early diagnosis. Ask your GP for a referral to Nuffield Health for a Dementia and Delirium Screening.

Dementia and delirium screening consultants at Woking Hospital

Woking Hospital

Shores Road, Woking, GU21 4BY

01483 227800
Switchboard 01483 227800
Enquiries 01483 227800
Hospital Ward (Patients) 01483 378253
Physio Department 03450454845

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Spread the cost of your treatment with a 6, 10 or 12 month 0% personal medical loan.

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Medical insurance

We work with you and your insurance provider to get you the treatment you need quickly

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