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What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a profession whose aim is to encourage and support the return to normal following illness, surgery, disease or trauma. It can be effective in the treatment of a range of muscle, joint and nerve conditions.

Our physiotherapists use a wide range of techniques such as manual therapy and exercise prescription to maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.

We offer expertise in upper limb and hand rehabilitation, pain management programmes and post-surgical recovery. Our physiotherapists are also trained in Pilates, acupuncture and joint manipulation, carrying out thorough bio-mechanical assessments to enhance and optimise function. We provide comprehensive assessments and treatments tailored to your exact needs. Your Physio will look at your medical history and carry out a thorough physical examination to determine the best course of action.

Meet our inpatient physiotherapy team:

Lucy Hogan Senior Physiotherapist About
Sanchit Jain Senior Physiotherapist About
Emily King Senior Physiotherapist About
Ryan Newcombe Physiotherapist About
Katerina Vasiltziki Physiotherapy Assistant About
Nicki Wilson Lead Inpatient Physiotherapist About
Cambridge (Hospital) Physiotherapy

4 Trumpington Road, Cambridge, CB2 8AF