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Going alcohol-free doesn't have to mean drinking endless orange juice or water. Mary Cotter's mocktail recipes will help you toast in style.

Updated: Friday 28 April 2023

Published: Monday 9 November 2015

Over 100 nurses and healthcare professionals from the NHS and independent sector joined a webinar on Monday 17 April 2023 to discuss how nurses can be supported to become healthier; physically, mentally and emotionally.

Updated: Thursday 27 April 2023

Published: Thursday 27 April 2023

Our Healthier Nation Index has found that the cost of living crisis has impacted 60% of people’s physical health and 59% of people’s mental health.

Updated: Tuesday 18 April 2023

Published: Tuesday 18 April 2023

A new survey of 8,000 UK adults has found that the cost-of-living crisis has dealt a major blow to the nation's health, with the majority of British adults reporting that it has had a negative impact on their physical health (60%) and mental health (59%) in the past year.

Updated: Tuesday 18 April 2023

Published: Tuesday 18 April 2023

With work, family and other commitments, making time for health and fitness can be easier said than done. But with 37% of Brits stating that their physical fitness has declined over the past year, investing in your body and your mental health has never been more important.

Updated: Tuesday 18 April 2023

Published: Tuesday 18 April 2023

Pilates has become a major wellbeing trend in recent years, but its benefits aren’t just for fitness buffs. Here’s how Clinical Pilates can work for those living with injury and a range of health conditions.

Updated: Thursday 13 April 2023

Published: Monday 17 October 2016

Getting the right amount of sleep is essential to living a healthy life. In this guide, Nuffield Health's sleep experts cover everything you need to know about insomnia and how to treat it.

Updated: Thursday 13 April 2023

Published: Thursday 13 April 2023

New figures, published today by healthcare provider Nuffield Health, reveal that the over 65s are the UKs most frequent gym users, highlighting the increasing importance of good health and fitness to the older generation. Across Nuffield Health’s 75 UK fitness and wellbeing gyms, figures show that septuagenarians are actually leading the way, with gym usage peaking at age 72, at eight visits per month on average – up from aged 68 in 2013.*

Updated: Wednesday 12 April 2023

Published: Thursday 23 April 2015

Illness and injury not only keep you from doing the things you love, but can also get in the way of your work. Here's how to access fast, effective care and get back to work sooner.

Updated: Wednesday 12 April 2023

Published: Wednesday 6 April 2016

A deformity in Derek's hip threatened his mobility, lifestyle and happiness. This is his story of conquering his condition, with a little help. Derek lives life to the full, he always has. “For me it’s so important to keep flexible and mobile,” he says. At 73 years old he’s fitter than many men half his age, doing two hours of exercise a day and practicing yoga and Pilates regularly.

Updated: Wednesday 12 April 2023

Published: Thursday 14 May 2015

As the UK’s largest health and wellbeing charity, we are driven by our purpose to build a healthier nation.

Updated: Wednesday 12 April 2023

Published: Tuesday 11 April 2023

Having taken up the role on an interim basis in December last year, Matthew is joining the Charity permanently and will lead the Charity’s finance, legal and risk teams.

Updated: Tuesday 11 April 2023

Published: Tuesday 11 April 2023

For many, the New Year is a time for resolutions. Often these involve new exercise regimes or healthy eating plans, but we may be missing out the benefits of more holistic goals. Gosia Bowling, National Lead for Mental Health at Nuffield Health, shares advice on setting goals for both the mind as well as the body.

Updated: Thursday 6 April 2023

Published: Friday 30 October 2020

If your duathlon is two months away, start to achieve consistent results by following this training programme from Personal Trainer Ryan Burn.

Updated: Thursday 6 April 2023

Published: Thursday 12 May 2016

Experiencing tiredness and even exhaustion while pregnant is common and made harder due to the difficulties faced when trying to get quality sleep. In this guide, Emma McKenna, Senior Health and Wellbeing Physiologist at Nuffield Health gives advice on how to get some much needed shut-eye.

Updated: Thursday 6 April 2023

Published: Friday 31 March 2023

There are a few simple ways to reduce your risk of getting kidney stones. Fluid and diet play an important preventative role.

Updated: Thursday 6 April 2023

Published: Thursday 2 May 2019

A third of over 60 year olds say their mental health had suffered as a result of cancelled or delayed diagnostic tests or operations, with a quarter (25%) worried their physical health would also deteriorate, according to a new survey released today from Nuffield Health.

Updated: Wednesday 5 April 2023

Published: Friday 16 August 2019

Circuit training is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength endurance. Nuffield Health Senior Personal Trainer Phil Goulding explains how it works, what you can expect and the best ways to fit it into your week.

Updated: Tuesday 4 April 2023

Published: Wednesday 30 December 2016

Looking for a workout that targets both your cardiovascular system and muscles while improving bone density? Wellbeing Personal Trainer Alexandra Cadman, explains the benefits of perimenopause exercises and how to perform them safely.

Updated: Monday 3 April 2023

Published: Wednesday 22 March 2023

Many of us have heard of, or had, physiotherapy, but not many of us know what it actually is, what it does, or how many different types there are (spoiler: a lot!). Three Nuffield Health physiotherapists, Jodie Breach, Laura Stocks and Sharon Helsby, answer the 5 most common questions about physiotherapy:

Updated: Wednesday 29 March 2023

Published: Wednesday 7 September 2022