Latest Articles

Discover the problems and benefits of sugar and learn how to maintain a healthy sugar level throughout the day.

Updated: Tuesday 20 September 2022

Published: Monday 30 November 2015

Our brains are telling us to eat more while our bodies suffer for it. Research Fellow and behaviour expert, Dr Sophie Attwood explains four bad habits you’ve probably formed and how to break them.

Updated: Tuesday 20 September 2022

Published: Friday 27 January 2017

If you're in need of an energy boost that will last, these protein-packed energy balls are just the thing. Nutritional Therapist Mary Cotter provides this simple and delicious recipe.

Updated: Tuesday 20 September 2022

Published: Tuesday 29 March 2016

A good lunch will fill you up and provide all the energy and nutrients you need to last until dinner time. Our mix and match guide will help you create delicious and healthy lunches.

Updated: Tuesday 20 September 2022

Published: Tuesday 27 November 2018

Dinner time provides a great opportunity to fill up on great nutrients, especially if you’ve had a busy day at work or with the family. Our mix and match guide will help you create delicious and healthy dinners.

Updated: Tuesday 20 September 2022

Published: Tuesday 27 November 2018

Plyometric? Superset? What does it all mean? Find out with our simple guide to fitness terminology.

Updated: Tuesday 20 September 2022

Published: Wednesday 27 March 2019

Most of us will get a pimple at some point in our life but lots of us don't know what causes them or how to get rid of them. Lauren Day, National Beauty Lead, explains what pimples are and what we can do at home to help get rid of them fast.

Updated: Tuesday 20 September 2022

Published: Tuesday 20 September 2022

Injuring yourself on the mountain can be a scary and frustrating time. Nuffield Health Senior Physiotherapist Andrew Letheren offers some sage advice for what to do if you take a tumble on the slopes.

Updated: Wednesday 14 September 2022

Published: Monday 9 November 2015

Following the sad news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, as a country we have entered a period of collective mourning. The formal protocols of public mourning are an outward expression of the inner grief and deep loss that is felt by many across the country. Emotional Wellbeing National Lead Gosia Bowling explains the stages and impact of grief, as well as how we can support ourselves and others during a bereavement.

Updated: Tuesday 13 September 2022

Published: Monday 12 September 2022

Get the most out of every lap and find the best stroke for you with our expert comparison of swimming strokes.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Tuesday 7 July 2015

Rehab is something we’re all familiar with. Sporting injuries are common and require a programme of physiotherapy and sometimes medical attention to allow you to get back on track. It can be a lengthy and painful process. But a new practice is emerging, which allies itself to the mantra ‘prevention is better than cure’. The process is called ‘Prehab’.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Friday 19 June 2015

Fast track your recovery with this easy-to-follow video guide for hip surgery patients.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Friday 14 October 2016

Keeping active is our best chance at living a long and healthy life, and it’s never too late to try something new. So here’s five of the best exercise classes for the over 55s to try.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Monday 2 May 2016

Stephen Trussell, Personal Trainer at Nuffield Health, has put together a fun, full-body workout to get your kids moving.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Friday 29 November 2019

Anti-ageing isn't just about creams or serums. Your nutritional health plays a key role in staying healthy both inside and out. In this article, Matthew Gardner, a Registered Nutritionist at Nuffield Health, gives his health and wellbeing tips to ageing gracefully.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Thursday 12 September 2019

Discover activities that will help your family stay fit and well while having fun at the same time. You'll barely even notice you're exercising.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Wednesday 27 February 2019

Nuffield Health Senior Personal Trainer Phil Goulding explains what interval training is, what it's good for and when to do it.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Thursday 7 January 2016

They say mathematics can explain the universe. It can also explain why you’re not achieving your weight loss goals. Head of Preventative Medicine, Dr Ben Kelly crunches the numbers.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Thursday 5 January 2017

Nuffield Health Senior Personal Trainer Phil Goulding explains what HIIT training is, what it's good for and when to use it.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Thursday 18 February 2016

Do you miss being part of a group and having a regular routine? As a member of Nuffield Health’s gym community, you’ll have access to a wide range of connected wellbeing services. These range from exercise classes and swimming lessons, to personal training and physiotherapy.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Monday 25 October 2021