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Roasted chickpeas are a great snack for slow-release energy to help you feel fuller for longer. Nutritional Therapist Mary Cotter dishes out the recipe.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Tuesday 29 March 2016

You’ve taken control of your health and wellbeing and joined the gym, so why the worry? Senior Wellbeing Personal Trainer, Graham Morland, tackles first-time gym-goer anxieties head on.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Thursday 11 May 2017

This National Heart Health Month, Nuffield Health Physiotherapy Manager and Cardiac Rehabilitation Lead, Helen Alexander, shares five lifestyle changes you can make to help improve your heart health.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Thursday 2 February 2023

Heart-related issues can impact people from all walks of life. In the UK, more than 7 million people grapple with heart and circulatory conditions, and these diseases are responsible for nearly 170,000 deaths. Dr Bhavik Modi, a Consultant Cardiologist at the Nuffield Health Leicester Hospital, delves into the workings of the heart and highlights common warning signs you should look out for.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Friday 27 October 2023

Heart disease is commonly thought to be a men’s health problem. But this is your issue too. Here's eight simple steps to help women protect themselves.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Tuesday 15 September 2015

Heart disease is the UK’s single biggest killer, but you have the power to significantly reduce your chances of developing it.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Friday 11 September 2015

Life is full of distractions. It's not uncommon to find our thoughts racing off onto things that are outside of our immediate control. Mindfulness is all about bringing our thinking back to the present moment. You can even use mindfulness techniques to manage anxiety and stress.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Friday 26 February 2016

What you eat can have a huge impact on the health of your cardiovascular system, so take control your risk of heart disease by making smart food choices.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Thursday 27 August 2015

Whilst the public health focus of 2020 has understandably been the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to remember that there are over 7 million people living with heart and circulatory diseases in the UK, and almost 170,000 deaths as a result of the diseases – around 1 in 4 of all UK deaths. Approximately a quarter (44,000) of these deaths are premature, which is enough to fill most premier league football stadiums. However, if you age well you can mitigate much of your risk.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Thursday 24 September 2020

Food is an energy source. Used well, it will maintain a steady energy level throughout the day, used badly and your energy levels will peak and trough, along with your ability to function properly. Our expert tips will help you get the most out of your diet to feel great every day.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Tuesday 24 May 2016

Gym anxiety, or “gymtimidation” is common in people joining the gym for the first time or returning after some time off. If you’re worried about how you look or that people will be watching you, you’re not alone. These thoughts and feelings are extremely common and typically stem from a fear of the unknown.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Whether you’re training at the gym because of the weather, or you prefer the feel of running indoors, the convenience and versatility of the treadmill have made it a popular bit of kit. To help you maximise your time on it, Fitness and Wellbeing Manager Simon Francis has put together several expert workouts for use at home or in the gym.

Updated: Tuesday 12 December 2023

Published: Monday 11 December 2023

Going to a gym class for the first time can be daunting. If you feel scared or apprehensive about attending a fitness class alone, you’re not the only one. We’ve put together this practical guide to let you know how bringing a friend along can help.

Updated: Monday 11 December 2023

Published: Tuesday 7 August 2018

For most of us, setting our fitness goals is the easy part. It’s sticking to them that’s the tricky part. Whether you’re looking to stay on track and hit a new personal best, or you’re struggling to stay motivated with a new weight loss plan, we’ve got some expert tips to keep you on track.

Updated: Monday 11 December 2023

Published: Friday 25 November 2016

Sleeping well is essential for your health and wellbeing, but many of us struggle to get quality sleep. Senior Health and Wellbeing Physiologist Luke Cousins shares nine lifestyle tips to help you sleep better.

Updated: Monday 11 December 2023

Published: Monday 8 August 2016

Exercise can have a positive impact on our sleep. Physical activity has proven benefits for improving sleep quantity and quality, giving you even more reason to maintain a regular workout routine. Find out more about the relationship between exercise and sleep and how getting active can help you find a good night’s sleep.

Updated: Monday 11 December 2023

Published: Friday 25 November 2016

If you suffer with chronic pain or inflammation of the joints, winter can be a tough time. As the nights draw in and we start to feel the chill of winter, our joint pain can start to worsen if we aren’t prepared.

Updated: Thursday 7 December 2023

Published: Thursday 7 December 2023

For many of us, exercise is a great way to manage our physical and mental health. This can make the festive period – with all the talk of rest, food, and relaxation – difficult to navigate.

Updated: Tuesday 5 December 2023

Published: Tuesday 5 December 2023

Holidays can be stressful when you're out of your normal eating routine and so many activities revolve around food. Elisha Edwards provides some tips for eating more mindfully this Christmas. After a tough year, the Christmas festivities may find us eating and drinking more than normal.

Updated: Monday 4 December 2023

Published: Monday 11 April 2022

Whether you’re on your own or surrounded by loved ones, feeling lonely during the festive period is more common than you might think. High expectation coupled with feeling like everyone else is having a great time can amplify feelings of loneliness and isolation. Mental Health Prevention Lead Lisa Gunn explores coping strategies to help you feel less lonely at this time of year.

Updated: Friday 1 December 2023

Published: Wednesday 29 November 2023