Book an appointment

020 8505 3311

Urologists (also known as urological surgeons) diagnose and treat problems of the male genitourinary tract and the female urinary system. Some of our urologists also treat children who have urological conditions.

Urological conditions are relatively common and account for up to 10% of all GP consultations and up to 20% of all acute hospital referrals so people of all ages come to see our friendly Consultant Urologists.

If something’s worrying you, the sooner you’re seen, the sooner you can get treated and back to feeling your old self.

You can use your health insurance at The Holly Hospital or just pay as you go with a consultation costing £200 – £250 where you’ll get all the time you need to talk about your problem and be examined in a private, comfortable setting. You will need a referral letter from your GP. If you don’t have a GP or prefer to see one of our Private GPs for a referral, a routine appointment is just £80.

If, following your consultation, you need any tests, we can help with that too. We offer screening, investigations and surgical procedures.

Conditions we can help with

Our expert urologists treat people with a range of urology health conditions including:

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP)
  • Bladder problems – overactive bladder / incontinence
  • Bladder cancer / bladder tumour treatment
  • Blood in the urine
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Enlarged prostate and prostate problems
  • Incontinence
  • Kidney stones and cancer
  • Male infertility
  • Peyronie’s Disease (a bend in the penis when erect)
  • Prostate disease and prostate cancer
  • Testicular lumps or pain
  • Urethra tumours, obstructions and infections
  • Urinary tract infections or urinary problems

Our treatments

Common procedures our urologists carry out at the hospital include:

We offer outpatient clinics with Consultant Urologists every weekday and Saturday for the investigation of a variety of urological conditions. We aim, wherever possible, to provide the convenience of a one-stop clinic to both reassure and make a diagnosis where necessary.

Our consultant urologists work with the latest treatments and leading technologies in state-of-the-art facilities supported by our onsite diagnostic centre and pathology laboratory to aid speedy diagnosis.

Should further treatment be required, there is little or no waiting time for surgery, your treatment can start as soon as you are ready.

Our consultants

Mr Shiv Bhanot


Specialty: Urology

Mr Shafi Chowdhury

MBBS, PG DipUrol(UCL), FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Urol)

Specialty: Urology

Miss Jean McDonald

MB BS (UWI), FRCS (Ed), Dip Urol (London)

Specialty: Urology

Mr Stuart Graham


Specialty: Urology

Professor Francis Chinegwundoh


Specialty: Urology

Professor James Green


Specialty: Urology

Mr John Peters


Specialty: Urology

Book now

If you have a referral and would like to book a consultation please call us on 0208 505 3311 or fill in the form below.