Mr Ashfaq Khan
MRCOG (UK) 2002; FRCOG (UK) 2017
GMC number: 6031938
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Mr Ashfaq Khan has been practicing gynaecology and obstetrics in London for last the 20 years. He was the Head of Colposcopy and Vulva disease of Whittington Hospital and was the Lead for Quality improvement (Gynaecology service) for the same trust. He won Ranzo Barraso Award from European Federation of Colposcopy and is the only British Clinician to receive this Prestigious Founder’s award. His biography was included for ‘Who is Who in the world ‘ 2010 edition for his outstanding contribution in clinical research and medical education.
He is a co-author of a textbook with Prof Albert Singer on “Cervical and Lower Genital Tract Precancer: Diagnosis and Treatment” published by Wiley Blackwell in 2014. He was supervised by Prof David Latchman (World renowned Bio molecular scientist and Master of Birckbeck University) for his research on Biomarkers in HPV infection at University College London ( UCL) Biomolecular Unit.
Mr Khan completed his clinical training in Women’s Health at different renowned hospitals in London such as St Barthelomew’s Hospital (Barts) London, The Royal London Hospital, The Whittington Hospital , King George Hospital.
Notable achievements
- London Deanery trained at Royal London Hospital , Barts Hospital , King George Hospital , Southend Hospital, Whipps Cross Hospital and Whittington Hospital
- Research fellow of Whittington Hospital and Biomolecular Unit UCL London on Biomarkers and HPV
- Lead for Colposcopy and Vulva unit Whittington Hospital 2013-2020
- Clinical team member of HPV implementation group for London Cervical screening Programme
- Lead Quality Improvement and audit Whittington Hospital women's Health 2011 - 2014
- Lead Vulval Multidisciplinary clinic 2013 - Present
- Invited Speakers to various international scientific meetings in USA , Europe , Africa and Asia
- International trainer of Colposcopy, Vulva disease
- Authored text book on Colposcopy and written chapters in various books
Special interests
- Colposcopy HPV related abnormal smears, CIN
- Vulval disease including Lichens, Dermatological and VIN, Painful sex
- Labioplasty
- Change of IUD
- Polyp
- Vaginoscopy - Multi focal disease of Lower genital
- PCOS and abnormal bleeding problems
- Ovarian cysts
- Menopause symptoms
Locations Mr Ashfaq Khan works with
Related experience
- British Colposcopy Society (BSCCP)
- British Vulva Society (BSSVD)
- British Society of Gynaecology Endoscopy (BSGE)
- British Menopause Society (BMS)
- BMA (British Medical Association)
- Royal Society of Medicine (RSM)
Other posts held
- Whittington Hospital NHS
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